Friday, February 25, 2011

Candy Land Cuppies

So I faked.  That chilled dough from last week, I baked, iced, and decorated the cookies.  No pictures.  Those Martha Stewart Living Chewy Chocolate Chunk-Cherry cookies, they were baked and tasted so good (especially the next day) but, no pictures.  I guess I kinda did myself a small favor.  I'm currently working on getting all my baking photos from 2008 until now into one place.  Pictures from last week's goodies would have just been more to add to the task but I do kinda wish I'd taken at least one.

Anyway, as I was going through pictures to organize, I came across these of the crazy Candy Land cupcake project I worked on for no apparent reason.  I can't even remember what inspired the idea but it was a lot of fun.  This one I was able to take my time with since I was doing it just for fun.  No deadline or delivery date to meet.  I think it took a full week of my spare time after work and on the weekends to work out and let all the fondant/gum paste decorations dry before putting them on the cupcakes.  So many colors and different pieces to recreate.  Enjoy!  I did!

I love how all the colors looked once these were together. 

Don't know what happened with all the cracking in the icing.

Of all the pieces I made for this set, my favorites were the chocolate and peanut pieces, and they were fairly easy to make too! 

I'm so glad for the workweek to be over and ready to start the weekend.  I have some baking and decorating planned (after a few Saturday errands) and can't wait!  I want to make a set for a first birthday girl and am trying to think of something cute and creative.  I've been on the sweets kick lately so it will likely be something along those lines.  Excited about what I might be able to come up with though.  I'll be back with photos (as long as I don't forget again :-)).

Try to stay warm.  I plan to right next to my oven. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cool Blog and Giveaway

Hey ya'll!  Check out this cool Blog and Party Supply Giveaway from Bird's Party Blog and Smidge and Pinch.

Happy Friday (and three-day weekend for some!  Wa hoo!  =))

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I Didn't Bake

I didn't bake anything this week.  :-(  I guess I took a break that I didn't know I apparently needed.  Really, really, needed.  It felt so strange getting to bed before 10:00 p.m. just about every night.  My body wasn't complaining (much) in the mornings though.  I have to admit, the rest was GOOD. 

So since I had an EASY week and didn't bake anything, here's an EASY post of EASY treats I threw together back in November for my 7 year-old to take to school on his birthday.

I'm kinda wising I had one of these guys right now but with nuts instead of the sprinkles.


Brownie Mix (Yep, the boxed stuff.  I told you we were doin' EASY.), Wilton Light Cocoa Candy melts, and sprinkles.  That's it!  Well, plus the eggs, oil, and water for the brownies but that's EASY still.  Right?! 

After I baked the brownies in a sheet pan, I cut them with a square shaped cookie cutter, dunked the bottoms in candy then drizzled more candy on top and topped that with the sprinkles. 

I remember there was some complaint from my son.  I think he didn't want the bottoms coated in candy or something but, he didn't bring any of the extra back home from school so there must not have been many complaints from his peers.

Target had the cutest Eric Carle, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, party supplies that I thought would be perfect for a birthday celebration at school.  I didn't know how the idea would go over with my kid though.  He was actually okay with it.  I just knew thoughts of Pokemon, Mario, Bakugan, or WWE Wrestling were going to take over at some point and he'd change his mind sending me back to the store but he actually stuck with this The Very Hungry Caterpillar thing.  Sweet!  EASY!   

So, I think I'll keep up the "EASY" and finish the week out at home relaxin' today.  Technically though, the week isn't over until tonight and I do have sugar cookie dough chilling in the fridge as I post, so I may do some baking after all.  The February Martha Stewart Living magazine also has a yummy looking Chewy Chocolate Chunk-Cherry cookie recipe that I really, really need to try.  I learned about a year or two ago that I LOVE chocolate covered cherries (The dried fruit, Harry and David kind.  Not those ones with the liquid centers.) so I can only imagine how good those cookies might be.  The recipe's been hanging on my fridge all week calling my name and begging to be baked.  I think I've talked myself into answering just that fast.  I may be back later with a post of how they came out.

Oh yeah, before you go, check out the "not so EASY" version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar birthday treats by Nicole C. at this blog.  My goodness, I want to be able to do that some day!    

Happy EASY Weekend folks!  

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Done and Super Cute!

So here they are!  A little late but done, and super cute if I must say so myself.  =)  So cute in fact that I'm already thinking of more and designs for Spring/Easter decorated ones!

The complete set took a little longer to finish because for some reason I thought my cupcake holder only held 12.  I was all excited to be done and display them until I pulled the holder down from the top of the fridge and discovered I needed 6 more!  Back to the craft store I went for more Styrofoam balls.  I don't know, maybe it's just me but it seemed like that last batch of Styrofoam balls I purchased were slightly smaller than the first ones even though the package indicated they were the same dimension.  The brighter pink ones were from the second batch.  What do you think?  Smaller (or do you think I'm just insane for thinking it even matters?  =) )?

This one is my favorite!

And here's my table for two. 

Still getting used to the idea that my little 8 month-old cutie can get around the house pretty well on his own now.  One pull on one side of that table runner and he had half the table down in a split second.  Duh, Mom!!!!!!!  What were you thinking?!

Here's our little Booga Beans!  No, I didn't cage him after he tried to take my table out.  He was just playing peek-a-boo from his crib on another day.

"Here's Titus!"

Happy Superbowl Sunday folks!  I'm off to church and to Titusproof the house!  =)